Other Solider: Yeah so?
Solider: Well then isn't it a really dumb idea to have us standing over it? I mean its like saying "Hey look at us! We're like cans of ready made meat"

Amn: Oh wow, that was surprising.
Marius (The blue one): Yes, because its surprising when a monster comes out of the river known for having monsters in it.
Whatever you say man.

Marius: Ok, so since my men are actually useful sometimes, they managed to find the twins. However I want to fight the big guy.
Amn: Ah, so you want to test your mettle against-
Marius: Nah, I'm just pretty sure he'll kick your ass.

Istavan: God, I can't believe they made go on this 'bonding' journey with you... I'm just gonna end up eating you.

Istavan: God, I can't believe they made go on this 'bonding' journey with you... I'm just gonna end up eating you.
Guin is dreaming about Cheetara.

Marius: So your a Leopard guy? I can totally take that.

Guin: Hey! That's my line!
Rinda:.... You had horses?

Amn: A Leopard guy? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!

Marius: Oh my god! You best put some ice on that, cause you just got burned!
Amn: GRRR! We're going back to the fabulous castle! And these guys don't get horses!

Istavan: Yes! I'll eat all their food!... Wait... was there something else I was supposed to do?

Marius: So your a Leopard guy? I can totally take that.

Guin: Hey! That's my line!
Rinda: It's Remus's fault!
Remus: Hey!
Rinda: You had horses.... bitch.
Amn: What was that?
Amn: What was that?
Rinda:.... You had horses?

Amn: A Leopard guy? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!
Mage:... Urmm... That... Hes a Leopard? (Not a joke, actually says that)
You cant see it well here but Guin is chuckling.
Amn: Whats so funny?
Amn: Whats so funny?
Guin: You are.
To prove that Guin is a total badass, this is what he actually says to her:
Guin: You wear armour over your graceful body, and conceit with your title as leader of the white knights and general of the west borough. I don’t know about the cowardly knights of the monguals, but in front of a true knight you are ridiculous.
Guin: You wear armour over your graceful body, and conceit with your title as leader of the white knights and general of the west borough. I don’t know about the cowardly knights of the monguals, but in front of a true knight you are ridiculous.

Marius: Oh my god! You best put some ice on that, cause you just got burned!
Amn: GRRR! We're going back to the fabulous castle! And these guys don't get horses!
Rinda:..... I am so glad that you decided to complain right now.... No really I am.... It just completes my day.
Remus: Are they going to kill us?
Remus: Are they going to kill us?
Guin: Its actually very brave to admit you don't want to die.
Remus: Are... Are you mocking me?
Guin: Yeah I totally am.

Istavan: Yes! I'll eat all their food!... Wait... was there something else I was supposed to do?
Soilder: Oh god! Why is this place full of monsters!
Guin: Hey. What took you so long?
Istavan: Well, I had to fight my way here... but James keeps skipping all of my fight scenes, why is that?
Guin: its cause your a total cock.
Solider: Their escaping! Damn it! Why do we suck so much?
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