Captain: Nice try asshole, but you still have to fight him.
Istavan: Shit.
Figure 1: So when are we getting into this anime?
Figure 2: Around night fall.
Figure 1: God I cant wait, being an extra in an anime is the height of showbizness.
Silent Bodyguard: *I haven't gone to the toilet in weeks, why do they think I stand around doing nothing all the time?*
Istavan: *That's it man, look disappointed* Well... Lucky for you Guin... I would have kicked your ass.

Guin: I can crush a mans skull with my hand.

Guin: I can crush a mans skull with my hand.
Solider: Look, we all want to be main characters, but you just can't jump the queue, there's an order to these things.
Solider: God damn it! What did I just tell you?
Rinda: No no! Take Remus! Take Remus!

Guin: Ok Remus.... Now when your sister gets back she'll be a little different... But until then I need you to man up.
Rinda: Well this sucks.

Rinda: Gah! Why is there a monkey in my room? What sort of prison is this?

Vanon: Shes totally gonna take her cloths off any second now... I just know it.

Guin: Ok Remus, since were room mates now I'm gonna lay down the ground rules... You are not allowed to talk. Ever.

Istavan: Hey guys, I'm next door! Look I'm gonna talk alot here about me and when some prophet said something about me ruling a kingdom... But long story short I want your blanket, give it.

Guin: Ok Remus.... Now when your sister gets back she'll be a little different... But until then I need you to man up.
Remus: *Sniff* ok Guin... I'll... I'll try.
Guin: By the way, you got any cash?

Rinda: Gah! Why is there a monkey in my room? What sort of prison is this?

Vanon: Shes totally gonna take her cloths off any second now... I just know it.

Guin: Ok Remus, since were room mates now I'm gonna lay down the ground rules... You are not allowed to talk. Ever.
Remus: But what if-
Guin: Ah! No! Nope. Not at all.

Istavan: Hey guys, I'm next door! Look I'm gonna talk alot here about me and when some prophet said something about me ruling a kingdom... But long story short I want your blanket, give it.
Remus: Hey!
Suni: Suuunnnniii!
Rinda: *Excellent, now I will train this thing to be my attack dog, then I'll give Remus something to really cry about*
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