Computer: It's nice to see you doing actual work for once... Wait.... What is that?

Computer:.... Tony... That is not orange juice..... It's giving off radiation....
Tony:..... Ok.... I'll level with you.... It's not orange juice.
Computer: What is it then?
Tony: Well.... You know how the arc station is nuclear powered? Well they were shipping out some of the waste product... and I just helped myself to some...
Computer: Tony-
Tony: And like 10 bottles of unlabeled alcohol.

Computer: Tony, you cant drink that.
Tony: Pfft, what are you? My mum? Just chill out ok? Whats the worst that could happen?

Computer: Tony your awake!
Tony: Urggg..... Not so loud.... Where-

Computer: Well.... You've.... Umm..... been busy....
Tony: Like doing what?

Saku: Finally snapped huh?
Solider: No... What I mean is.... he's actually stolen every banana within 50 miles.... something about them trying to take over his mind.
Soilder: Oh god! He just robbed another liquor store!

Medic2: Tony spat in his face, and he instantly got alcohol poisoning.
Medic1: Jesus!

Tony: Hahaha! Foolish puppet, you can not have the gold, for I control the rainbow!

Tony: Silence talking box! I have a world to dazzle!

Pilot: AHH! Holy shit!

Iron Man: I'm gonna have space sushi!

Tony: Huh... Well... I've had worse.... But just in case every ones still pissed lets get our story straight.
Computer: What story? Everyone knows you did it?
Tony: Nope.... A skrull did it.
Computer:.... Are you suggesting we just tell everyone an alien disguised as you went on a massive bender? Isn't that a betrayal to everyone you know? Just freeing yourself from any and all obligations to explaining yourself?
Tony: Shhh, do you hear that? That's the sound of the skrull plotting once again...
Computer: Hrmmm....
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