Jake: I told you, camel blood is the cure.
DM: Right, whatever.

Jake: I mock the monk.
DM: You... What? Why would you do that?
Jake: I want to see his Kung-Fu skills.
DM: He's... not that kind of monk! He's little more then a scribe.
Jake: Pfft, I mock him for being a wimp then.

DM:... Fine, the Monk is sad now.
Jake: Hell yeah, do I get like a 1000 rp xp now?
DM:..... No.

DM: That's actually pretty clever-
Li: That way when they die I'll look amazing.

Lai Xi: Hey, I was wondering, can I sell my daughter as a prostitute?
Lai Xi: What? She's old enough, and I need the money.
DM: Just leave her in the inn! The hell is wrong with you?

DM: (I'll get him this time...) As you leave the inn for your horse your surrounded by four swordsmen...
Li: Hey, why haven't we had an encounter yet?
DM:.... You fought the sandstorm... it got a critical.
Lai Xi: I'll just kill these guys.
DM: Yeah, good luck with-

DM: Jesus Christ! How are you getting these rolls?

Li: Hey, I need some swordsmen to join me on my quest.... what is my quest anyway?
DM: Your honour bound to help Jake.
Jake: Yay!

Lai Xi: Hey do the thing.
Dm:... I'm not... Urh.... Fine... A mysterious swordsmen begins to make his way over the hillside, Dun Dun Dun.
Lai Xi: Liiiee!

Old Die Hard: Hurft tur murpf! Derheheh! Shulpah!
Lai Xi: Liiieee!

DM: What? You can't be a halfling, this is china, not the forgotten realms!
Sleepy Face:... The past is a kinda forgotten realm?
Lai Xi: Liiieee!

Li: So we meet at last....

DM: I.... No.. No it doesn't work.
Lai Xi: Time for our epic battle!

Lai Xi: Damn it!
DM: That doesn't work in a barn!

Lai Xi: Well I got your neck gripped!
Li: How does that help you?
Lai Xi: I've got a higher initiative then you, I could crush your neck before your turn.
Li: There's no way-
Lai Xi: I can totally roll a 20.
Lai Xi:......
Li:.... Draw?
Lai Xi: Draw.
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