Kuni: OK, first, you weren't using it.... some weird hazmat team came out of it and took all the freaky evidence... and second!

Kure: Not really.
Kuni:... Ok.... I guess I'll be going then.... I think...

Sakura:.... Kay....

Kuni: Ah Ah Ah! I saw a little nipple! That conversation was gonna go nowhere.

Shindo: Yeah... She looked just like her.... oh yeah, I got to ask.... How are you alive? I saw one of those monsters backhand you across the stairs and over a railing?
Ichiro:... I.... I don't know... Well how come your alive? We saw them rip off limbs? Why was he choking you really slowly?
Shindo: I don't know... It's like were being guided by someone with no idea of what continuity is.

Officer: Urmm... It appears to be unkillble super hobo's.
Kuni: Huh, I thought as much.

Kuni: See, this is why you should fill out the paper work...

Kuni: No aid for you!

Kuni: Damn it!

Shindo is confused because I have cut out so much from this and the last episode. The reason is because alot of it is totally unnecessary, there's a whole f***ing scene of Shindo going back to his childhood home to brood, literally nothing else happens. For those of you actually interested in the story (What is wrong with you?) I'll give a brief summary of the things I've skipped.
-Shindo's sister, while you'd think would be a main character is not. The reason being that main characters effect the overall plot... Shindo's sister has zero impact. Plus there's this whole brother X Sister thing going on that I am not touching with a ten foot pole (WTF is wrong with you japan?)
-For those of you who haven't guessed, Tokko is a secret group that fights monsters. This doesn't make any sense for a large number of reasons, the main one being that they seem to want to hide the existence of monsters. That's bullshit, sure there would be a slight panic, but you know what else there would be? A monster hotline (Tokko are basally looking for the big demon that's possessing all these people and turning them into zombies). Finally these monsters are not subtle... they literally rip people to pieces... and frequently... bullshit no one would notice, or that some of the police wouldn't mention it to anyone else.
-As for Shindo, he's a survivor of the first demon incident, but his parents and neighbours were not. He frequently has nightmares about that day... and I've started to find them funny, because screw Shindo. For some reason the zombies yell at him and say there gonna kill him.
That's basically the key points, there's a bunch of other stuff but it literally adds nothing other then wasted screen time.
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