Lai Xi: Hey, can I be a samurai?
DM: What? No! This is ancient china, not ancient japan.
Lai Xi: Oh come on, I already put his race down as Japanese anyway.
DM: Eh... Errh... Fine whatever.

Lai Xi: Also he's a bounty hunter.
DM:.... Why would a Japanese bounty hunter be in china?
Lai Xi: I dunno, your the DM.
DM: Grh. Fine. You work for the Chinese government.
Lai Xi: Alright-
DM: But they won't let you go back to Japan, and you have to look after your daughter all the time... and your f***ing miserable.
Lai Xi: Awww.....

DM: Yeah, what's your character?
Li: He's lieutenant Li of the Chinese army.
DM: Oh alright that actually fits in well-

DM: What? No!

DM: Wait, did you guys plan this ahead?
Lai Xi:.... Yeah we kinda did.
DM: You could have fricken told me before I started the game!

Lai Xi: Can I see him?
DM: No!

Lai Xi: Alright, I turn to him, and I punch his sword out of his hand.
DM: What? How are you gonna pull that off?
Lai Xi: Oh I took some Monk levels too.
DM:... Fine, but the chances are still pretty l-


Lai Xi: Is it Li?
DM: No!
Lai Xi: Ah! It must be a villain! I throw my Katana through his neck!
DM: Shut up! No you don't! You go into the inn and you go to sleep!
Lai Xi: What on the floor?
DM:.... Yes on the floor!

*New Player*: Oh, this is where I come in?
DM: Yeah, what's your characters name?
*New Player*: Urr... Dunno.... Just call him Jake.
DM:.... You can't be called Jake your Chinese....
Jake: Nah it's totally cool, I took the half-European template.... But I still look Chinese.
Lai Xi: Hey, does this mean were getting a small army and a bunch of Monks?

Jake: Aww, I'm sad now....

Lai Xi: Is it Li?
DM: Yes it's f***ing Li!
Li: I make a cool check!
DM: What?
Li: I want to make a check to see how awesome I look.
*Rolls a 4*

DM: What? How do you not know?
Jake: To be honest I haven't filled out my sheet yet.... But I'll roll a heal check...
DM:... Look you cant roll until you have a character sheet, ok?

DM: What?
Jake: I then drain it's blood into a bowl.

Jake: Urr, cause camels have fast healing 1? Duh? I feed the blood to Li.

DM:..... He chokes on it cause it's f***ing camel blood!

Lai Xi: Am I there too?