I think that stuff at the bottom of there says "Do not burn sad memory's in sunflower gardens! It is a fire hazard!"

Terrorist: Hehe.... It was a perfect shot right? This was fun, if you ever need me again just call...

Strauss: Yes.... Good work....

Hound Member: What the hell? Everyone's saying we killed Har! That's not true!

Sak: What's going to happen now...? Everyone's saying Har joined Hound as a spy but...
Norma: Huh, their just saying that so they don't lose face...
Sak: Are you gonna have to go on another mission?
Rudra: Unlikely, why would they send out the team that had a Hound member in it?

Saki: If they do send us out....
Norma: What?
Saki: *Sips Tea* I dunno, just saying....

Team Viper are sent on a new mission, to arrest Hound once and for all.

Rudra: I swear to god if their not behind this door....

Rudra: Ha! Found you! Your under arrest!
Ulla: Good job guys....

*Hut hut hut hut*
Norma: The hell's going on?

ArmyGuy: Good job Viper, but the army is taking over here, you can leave now...

Norma: Is it just me.... Or was that really weird?
Gar: Why did they even bother sending us out?
Saki: .....

Later in Saki's room- wait.... He doesn't sleep with any covers? It can't be cause he's hot cause the city is surrounded by water.... So I'm gonna go with post war stress.

Attacker: What the hell? Where'd he go?

Saki: Ninja kick!
Attacker: Ahhh!

Saki: *listening to the attackers radio* This can only mean there after....

News Women: Shocking news everyone! The other day the merc group Viper arrested the terrorist Hound, but then shot them down in cold blood! The following images are awesome and shouldn't be viewed by any young cool people.

*Footage of Viper shooting the shit out of the Hound guys*

*The four bitch's comment how Viper's dropped off the deep end and Sak takes offense at this*
Sak: F*** you!

Tv Girl: So wait... are you saying Team viper is actually behind the terror bots and bombings?
Strauss: Yes... It seems Viper have fooled us all.... If you look at this graph, it shows that the amount of Terror incidents and team Vipers pay are the same....
*Just saying, that makes no god damn sense, and that is seriously what she says*

Sak: Well... Urmm.... This guy's probably not Gar... I mean there's only a 64% match-
Walter: Arrest him! Arrest anyone suspicious! I want everyone Team Viper knows arrested for questioning!

Sak: This is.... so wrong....

Sak: Oh god... I can't take this.... if only there was some kind of side character to cheer me up and help me in this moment of crises....
Oh well, no ones there....
Off screen scientist: F*** you James!

Sak: Huh.... Someone sent me a map? I guess I got nothing better to do....

Saki: F*** F*** F***! Why does this car not turn into a robot?!

Ulla: Hello everyone.... I... am the Leader of Hound...
I'm here to tell you that Hound is not who you think we are.... We are... were merely a peaceful protesting group... but our message stirred others to violence...
But this is not true!

Ulla: Little did we know there was another group behind all the attacks...
My good friend Har joined them in order to expose them.... but they killed him...

Ulla: When they finally found us they showed no mercy and shot on me and my friends.... even though we were un-armed.... and now there all gone....
I am here to tell everyone about the city's true enemies!

Ulla: Team Viper are terrorists!
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