Mongol Captain: Ooohhh....

White Knight: Don't worry Prince Naris, we'll take you to a much nicer room.
Naris: Hey, why are we stopping? I didn't even say the safety word yet?

Girl: OMG! You are so HOT!
Guy: Ha! I would totally do you and cheat on my wife, if you weren't already my wife.

Old guy: What the hell guys? Your supposed to be talking about invading Mongol so we can help out Parros!
Guy: Oh, is that what we were doing? I thought this scene was purely to show everyone how hot I am?
Girl: OMG! You are so HOT!

Remus: *Sigh* Rinda has everyone looking out for her... She even has a pet monkey... Why don't I have anything?

Kar Mol: Yooouuuu guuuuyyyyssss

Remus: Holy crap! My intense emoing has given me super powers!

Once again Istavan insults the monkeys, unfortunately since the giants are now friends with the monkeys, they take a certain offence at his comments.
Istavan: Oh shit! No! I didn't mean it!

Naris:... Are you gonna try and marry me to your princess?
White Knight: Wh... No, of course not! Wh-why would you think that?
Naris: Look, I'm like the smartest person in this anime, its not hard to work out.
White Knight: Urrr... Could you pretend you didn't know?
Naris: *Sigh* Fine.

Bard: Hey there! You look crazy and willing to throw your money away, want to hear a song from a distant land?
Astreas: Wait, have you ever been to Parros?
Bard: Of course!
Astreas: .... Hmmm... could you come to my room?
Bard: Urr... Ok.

Astreas: I'm sorry if this seems a bit awkward.
Bard: Not at all! I've done this before.

Bard: Hmm... Lets see... I think I've got a picture of him here...
Astreas: Oh? Let me see.

Other Guy: Any time sir.

Naris: Hey.

Remus:... I'm fine... Look, you guys... I'm just gonna go to bed.
Guin: Can you guys believe I've had like only six lines of dialogue in this episode?
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